設計師遊日記行 (Hong Kong)
岐阜傳統工藝 守業與變革之歌 (Hong Kong)
Maison&Objet Debuts in Hong Kong (Singapore)
The artisans behind Hong Kong’s woodworking revival (Hong Kong)
Under The Spotlight (Hong Kong)
The design secrets of Hong Kong’s private housing estates (Hong Kong)
陳丞軒 – 設計是跨越文化和年代的工具 (Hong Kong)
Hong-Kong City Guide and its emerging design scene (Paris)
香港設計師的地鋪夢 – HINT. (Hong Kong)
【巴黎設計展前哨】香港得獎作品 竹竿鋁門柄 被日本需要的香港創意 (Hong Kong)
5 resort-inspired homes around Asia that make us feel like we’re on holiday (Hong Kong)
Mid-century modern design meets Eastern thinking in a future-proofed Hong Kong home (Hong Kong)
How a design journalist’s Hong Kong village house evolved over 20 years as the homes she wrote about influenced its interiors (Hong Kong)
裝潢展現老闆性格 跳脫橙調cafe 滿佈「正」能量 (Hong Kong)
著名咖啡達人對談咖啡店設計發展 DJ阿正咖啡店設計師任主持 (Hong Kong)
Inside a pair of Hong Kong art collectors’ gallery-inspired luxury apartment (Hong Kong)
The definitive guide to Hong Kong’s newest cafes and brunch spots (Hong Kong)
Design To Inspire, To Create Positive And Beautiful Experiences (Hong Kong)
The Power of Colour: This Week’s 5 Top-Viewed Submissions Balance Boldness And Neutrality (Netherlands)
貫穿簡約美學到法式經典體驗,Cupping Room咖啡店化身法式小酒館 (Hong Kong)
簡約咖啡廳裡,還藏著法式酒館:Hintegro 為 Cupping Room 打造全新分店空間 (Hong Kong)
A Hong Kong family home with a mid-century modern vibe has pops of colour and custom furniture (Hong Kong)
Globetrotting Dream: A Mid-Levels Apartment Captures a Young Couple’s Travel Memories (Hong Kong)
Inside a Hong Kong House Where Pets and Supercars Take Centre Stage (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong house gets an Asian holiday home vibe, with Hermès-inspired colours and warm wood all over (Hong Kong)
Hintegro Reimagines a Resort-Inspired Townhouse in Tai Po, Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
This 3,100-sq.ft. Hong Lok Yuen Residence is the Resort-Style Home of a Young Family (Hong Kong)
What Your Bookshelf Says About You—And How Designers Are Embracing the #Shelfie Trend (Hong Kong)
三人行 承載滿滿旅行記憶與理想生活的半山居所 (Taiwan)
Take a Closer Look at How Keith Chan, Founder of Hong Kong-Based Interior Design Firm Hintegro, Creates an Endless Pace of Life Within Limited Spaces (Hong Kong)
10 quick and clever DIY projects that will transform a bland bedroom (Australia)
Hintegro designs a Hong Kong townhouse in a medley of luxury collections and materials (Netherlands)
1,992 sq.ft neutral home with natural light done right (Hong Kong)
Combination of Minimalistic And Harmonic (Hong Kong)
拆解槍戰電影聖地土瓜灣益豐大廈真面目 《變形金剛》都喺度取景!「裡社區」商住模式 跌打、髮型屋、診所、雜貨一應俱全 27年街坊帶遊土瓜灣版怪獸大廈!(Hong Kong)
This Modern Penthouse In Hong Kong Is a Neutral Lover’s Dream (USA)
Sham Shui Po Penthouse – Home for a pair of young male couple (Netherlands)
Soho Albron Court – Home for a family with a newborn (Netherlands)
La rubinetteria Ritmonio per un appartamento a Hong Kong (Italy)
祕探香江的天空綠洲!香港深水埗 56 坪頂樓公寓 (Taiwan)
Penthouse fuses Japanese design, Scandinavian furniture and Hong Kong spirit (Hong Kong)
Chinese medicine practitioner’s Japanese-style retreat (Italy)
屬於香港本土的復古風 紙皮石與翻新柚木地板充滿懷舊氣息 (Hong Kong)
低調素雅的日式家居 獨一無二的橡木特色牆展現日本傳統工藝 (Hong Kong)
以設計影響生命 創造美好體驗 (Hong Kong)
This Sham Shui Po Penthouse Mixes Modern Minimalism with Maximal Warmth (Hong Kong)
以北歐美學為藍本:簡約而細緻的香港住宅,為設計師住戶實現溫馨生活 (Hong Kong)
Scenes from Hong Kong: Three Spaces by Hintegro (USA)
いま香港で人気の日本建材・家具 (Japan)
The beauty of HARMONY (Hong Kong)
Design trends for 2021: yellow and grey, home offices with ‘proper’ furniture, greenery, and hygienic surfaces (Hong Kong)
隱身大埔一隅的寧靜家居,專為一對熱愛旅遊的夫妻精心打造 (Hong Kong)